Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Fetid Turnip

Donald Trump will resign within the next 2 weeks. Probably some time early next week.
This is 8-23-'18. He will be out by Labor Day. 8-31-18. Give or take a week.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Pennsylvania 18th

Republican Rick Saccone wins by 5 at least over Democrat Conor Lamb.

I'm a little late, but results aren't in yet... Blue Wave goes bust.

Monday, November 27, 2017

Roy Moore Wins Alabama Senate Race

Moore- 62%
Jones-36%'s Jones, in a squeaker....

Alabama just barely voted down an insane pederast. I would suspect that most of Alabama is still pissed at Jones for taking on the KKK. But they couldn't give up the racist, bigoted, religious fanatic, sexist, pervert easily. Freedumb! 'Murica!
Big damn deal. Those people are still there. The deep South remains a bastion of fascist idiocy. Jones isn't going to change a damn thing. Moore would have just embarrassed  the GOP more. I'm just pissed that Alabama screws up my record (or holds my losing record intact).

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Midterms, 2018

The Democratic Party is going to get crushed. They had a chance to learn in '16. They blew it. They had a chance to learn in the AFTERMATH of '16. They blew it even bigger. They are looking to blame everyone else in lieu of learning anything. Bitch and moan at me all you want, but watch the returns. There will be further losses in Congress and statehouses. Quite possibly, massive.  And it ain't my damn fault!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Future of the DNC

For those watching and waiting for a "Blue Wave" in '18, you're going to be sorely disappointed. The DNC may make a small gain here and there, but likely not enough to win back the House or the Senate. Surely not the states. And there's a better chance they will lose more.

The DNC is a mess. And it's not even looking in the proper direction to clean itself.

Remember '68-'92? Twenty years out of twenty four of a GOP White House. Then 8 years of "GOP Lite". Look for more of that, with zero power in Congress for the next twenty to forty years.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Georgia 6th

Ossoff is going to get killed in the run-off. Georgia Dems may not even remember they're supposed to vote, while the GOP will rally the troops.

Ossoff -%45

Actual results- Handel 51.8, Ossoff 48.2.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

The Future Senate

Well, my political predictions got slaughtered this cycle. You can assume my predictions are a worthless waste of time. I could not argue.
That being said, what the hell. Here's another one for you...

The political repercussions from this race are not even finished yet. A lot of Democrats that stood with Hillary are going to have some pissed off people in their own party. If you think we lost the Senate this time, look at the shellacking we will take in two years. It's a GOP country for as far out as you can imagine. Hillary's run just killed liberal politics for a long, long time.
We may be looking at less than 30 Democratic Senators before the end of this decade.