Wednesday, October 15, 2014


  I was thinking to myself, gee, this thing really could slip out of control. Woke this morning to news that a second healthcare worker from the Dallas hospital tested positive.
  How many undiagnosed cases in Africa? How hard is it for West Africans to travel to other parts of the world? I'm not saying a Stephen King/Robin Cook horror story here. But this thing has legs.

Of course, I'm sitting here in Ohio, and posted this before I saw this:

Were you or anyone you know on Frontier Airlines Flight 1143 from Cleveland to Dallas-Fort Worth on Monday? Call the CDC at 1-800-CDC INFO (1-800-232-4636), then call our newsroom at 330-788-2456. Or, if you or any of your relatives were in Akron between Oct. 8 and 13 and are worried about Ebola, give us a call.
And, as 9/11/01 caused much more damage than just the original attack did because of the idiocy of the American electorate and our propensity for over-reaction, this crisis will damage us in ways far beyond the reach of the virus itself:

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"And if California slides into the ocean, like the mystics and statistics say it will, I predict this hotel will be standing until I pay my bill"