Wednesday, February 24, 2016

I Give Up. Time to Recognize the Obvious.

  I underestimated the power of the Trump tsunami, and the gullibility, the massive stupidity, of the average American.

  The thugs and the fascists aren't concerned with the niceties of window dressing anymore. And they've sucked the air out of any chance for a Kasich rally. Or a Cruz, or Rubio one, for that matter.

   It's a done deal for the GOP. It's not going to be a three man race. It's going to be Trump. God help us all. (Let me clue you in. There is no god. There is no help.) By this time next week, the deal will be done. (It already is.)

   I'm still pulling for Bernie on the Dem side.But it's going to be Hillary. Can't live in dreams any more.

   Ultimately, though, I think we will get the President we deserve. And the House and Senate (and state legislatures) to go with it... Sorry, folks. It looks more and more like President Donald J. Trump.

   If I had any advice for the rest of the world after November, it would be to quarantine the United States until we come to our senses.

   As for the USA, I recommend heavy medication.

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"And if California slides into the ocean, like the mystics and statistics say it will, I predict this hotel will be standing until I pay my bill"