Saturday, January 10, 2015

Romney is not going to run

Mitt Romney isn't going to run. The Scott Prouty recording of his 47% speech killed his career in politics as a candidate forever. But he can tease the public, and more importantly, fundraisers. And keep his name in there as a mover in the party. He'll be able to raise a lot of money, make some noise, and act like he was the injured party. It's the Palin strategy. And it's profitable.
Mitt Romney is as viable a candidate as our dead cat.

He's been around enough to know political reality. It's a different game. He's a numbers and money guy. He sees the money, and can do the numbers. It's politics, but it isn't.
What did Matt Taibbi from Rolling Stone call it? Vampire Squid? It's not the game you think it is. He mastered this ruse @ Bain a long time ago.
The debates will be every bit as ridiculous as they were the last time around. But I'm betting Mitt will not be there.
Huckabee and Carson will be there. And they will get past Iowa. And they'll cause a big stink, raise a ruckus, and raise money. They'll cut a deal after South Carolina, where they will both do better than they should, and whoever is left after the other bows out will get crushed before Super Tuesday.
Cruz is going to wipe out early. Rand Paul will do as well as his dad did, maybe. Maybe not. It will be Jeb, unless one of my dark horse guys comes in. Watch out for Thune or Kasich.
Although, Thune and Kasich may both be vulnerable to falling natural gas prices.

Even with Jeb, the wing nuts of the GOP are going to make him phrase the debates in ways he won't want to go. They're going to be pumped up on adrenaline and bad hooch from the '14 cycle, forgetting that they actually LOST that election by national popular vote by a margin of over 20 million.

It very well might be Kasich. He would trounce the others in debate with a lot of media experience. He's positioning himself as a "compassionate conservative" and can sell that lie far better than G W Bush ever did. He has solid bona fides in all the right wing nut job check boxes, yet can sound reasonable to an undiscerning audience (typical American voter). As a stealth candidate, this is the most dangerous guy out there.

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"And if California slides into the ocean, like the mystics and statistics say it will, I predict this hotel will be standing until I pay my bill"